Idén (2015 tavaszán) voltunk itt sajnos csak néhány napot! Azonkívül, hogy a táj, és a környék is csodaszép a fogadó sem okozott csalódást! A személyzet nagyon kedves, segítőkész mindenben. Pl ajánlottak látnivalót is a környéken, de a Fertő tavi hajókázásra is felhívták a figyelmünket, odatelefonáltak, hogy számítsanak ránk, de mondhatom azt a példát is, amikor Kőszeg látnivalóit ajánlották, és ehhez kinyomtattak egy kis térképet is, mire reggel indultunk! A konyhájuk is kifogástalan! Itt is nagyon kedves a személyzet, de az ételek is finomak, háziasak, és természetesen bőségesek !
Nagyon ajánlom mindenkinek aki erre jár, és szállást keres! Garantálom, hogy nem csalódik, sőt visszatérő vendég lesz belőle is !
Köszönöm utólag is a "Tornácos" minden dolgozójának a szép és felejthetetlen napokat!
Operating company:
Wenergia Kft. Location: 9437 Hegykő, 74 Kossuth Lajos str.
Telephone: +36 99 540 200
Tax number: 13340650-2-08
Tax ID number: HU13340650
Account number (HUF): 17600011-00349422-00200004
Account number (EUR): 17600011-00349422-10200005
Name of the commercial registration court: Győri Törvényszék Cégbíróság
Tornácos Szolgáltató, Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátó Kft
Location: 9437 Hegykő, 74-78 Kossuth Lajos str.
Commercial registration number: 08-09-003766
Name of the commercial registration court: Győri Törvényszék Cégbíróság
1.) The general terms and conditions of the accommodation contract (hereinafter referred to as the General Terms and Conditions) summarize the basis on which Wenergia Kft. (9437 Hegykő, 74-78 Kossuth Lajos str.), the operator of Hotel Tornácos*** Superior (9437 Hegykő, 74 Kossuth Lajos str., hereinafter referred to as service provider), concludes an accommodation contract with its Guests.
2.) The services provided by the service provider are used by the Guest. If the requirements are met, the service provider and the Guest become contractual partners (hereinafter referred to as parties). The service provider's hotel is in contact exclusively with the Guest and does not accept inquiries, instructions, requests for contract changes or termination from other people.
3.) The service provider will always send the Guest a written offer upon their verbal or written request. If no specific order is received from the Guest within the period stated in the offer, the service provider's obligation to submit an offer expires. A contract is only concluded with the written confirmation of the Guest's written reservation by the service provider and is therefore considered a written contract. A verbal reservation, agreement or change to an agreement or its verbal confirmation by the service provider does not constitute a contract. The service provider requires the Guest to pay an advance through Hotel Tornácos *** Superior in order to conclude the contract. The deposit is 30% of the total amount of the reservation and the ordered services and is due within one day after the reservation (no later than the 14th day before arrival) to the account 17600011-00349422-00200004 (HUF) or 17600011-00349422-10200005 ( EUR) of Wenergia Kft. at MagNet Bank Zrt. to remit. The reservation number must be included in the transfer notice. The advance can also be paid using the SZÉP card, in which case proof of payment of the advance must be provided by sending a copy of the transfer or a note to the service provider. The deposit can also be paid by card when booking on our website.
If you book online on the hotel's website, you can pay for your reservation using the methods below: online payment with credit card: OTP SimplePay
Accepted credit cards: Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, Diners Club, American Express, OTP Szép Kártya, MKB Szép Kártya, K&H SZÉP Kártya. The accommodation contract is concluded for a limited period of time. If the Guest leaves the room permanently before the end of the agreed period, the service provider is entitled to the full amount of the contractually agreed service. The service provider is entitled to resell the room vacated before the deadline. If the Guest requests an extension of the specified period, the service provider's written consent to change the contract is required. In this case, the service provider can request reimbursement for the service already provided. Changes or additions to the contract require the written consent of the contracting parties. In order to use the accommodation service, the Guest must provide proof of identity before booking the room. No person is allowed to stay in the hotel without registering.
4.) Group bookings
For group bookings, the hotel service provider is only legally bound to the person who made the booking. If the group expresses any special wishes or requests for individuals or groups, these can only be made in writing and only by the person who made the reservation. Only the person who made the reservation can make a partial or total cancellation; persons belonging to the group are not authorized to make such a declaration. If a member of the group makes a declaration to the service provider, this declaration is invalid. The service provider hotel asserts any claim for contractual penalty against the booker. For group bookings, the deposit must be paid in one sum. The service provider will issue a group deposit invoice in the name of the person making the reservation for payment of the deposit. In the event of a lawful cancellation or change of a room, the hotel will credit the amount of the deposit paid against the remaining rooms and services. When the final invoice is issued, the invoice will be issued in the name of the person (or company) specified by the person making the booking. Group deposits and final invoices cannot be paid with the SZÉP card. The bill must be paid in advance by bank transfer, credit card or cash. If a member of the group wishes to have the advance or final invoice issued in the name of the company specified by him or to pay with the SZÉP card, the hotel must be notified by the reserver before the advance payment, in which case the service provider's hotel will reserve the room of the person from the group and keeps it as an individual reservation in accordance with the relevant regulations. In such a case, the guest's name, address, email address and telephone number must be communicated separately to the hotel by the booking party. The deposit for the Guest's room must be paid by the guest regardless of the group. If the deposit is paid by bank transfer, the booking number must be included in the payment notification. Consumption on site in a room separate from the group must be paid for separately by the guest using a cashier's check or invoice. The service provider issues a single final invoice for the group's accommodation costs, the services used and the consumption on site. The final invoice may only be issued in the name of the person or company to whom the advance invoice was issued.
5.) Start and end of the stay (check-in and check-out)
The Guest has the right to move into the booked room between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. The service provider has the right to withdraw from the contract if the Guest does not arrive by 8 p.m. on the agreed day, unless the Guest has announced a later arrival. If the Guest has paid a deposit, the room will remain reserved until 9:00 a.m. the day after arrival at the latest. The Guest must vacate the room between 8.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the day of departure. During the COVID-19 epidemic, late check-out is not possible as the cleaning and disinfection protocol takes time. Any extension of the stay by the Guest requires the prior consent of the service provider. If the Guest has not vacated the room by 10 a.m. on the day of departure and the service provider has not agreed to the extension of the stay in advance, the service provider is entitled to charge the room price for a further day and at the same time the service provider's obligation to pay expires Provision of the service.
6.) Prices
The current tariffs of the service provider's hotel can be found in the online booking system ( The Service Provider may change the published tariffs without prior notice. Once the Guest has booked the accommodation and the service provider's hotel has confirmed this in writing, the service provider can no longer change these prices. When publishing the prices, the service provider indicates the tax content of the prices (the legally regulated VAT rate in force at the time of the offer). The published prices include VAT, but not the tourist tax, which is payable locally. The service provider is obliged to pass on any additional costs resulting from changes in applicable tax legislation to the Guest after prior notice.
7.) Cancellation conditions
The Guest is obliged to immediately notify the service provider in writing of any cancellation of the ordered accommodation and other services. The Guest can cancel the ordered service up to the 14th day before arrival without penalty. The following rules then apply: the service provider can retain 50% of the ordered but canceled services on the legal basis of contractual penalty. The penalty will be settled and paid after the invoice is issued. The contractual penalty depends on the price stated in the confirmation. In the event of a cancellation or change on the day of arrival or during the stay, 100% of the ordered services will be charged - this applies to the room price, the massage or the ordered restaurant services. The credit card or SZÉP card details provided can be used in addition to depositing the cancellation fee. For our Guests who use a gift voucher, the voucher is considered prepayment and is therefore subject to the same cancellation policy.
8.) Method of payment
The amount of the ordered service that exceeds the deposit can be paid on site in cash, with SZÉP card (accepted at Hotel Tornácos *** Superior) or with credit card. In case of online booking on the hotel's website, payment of the reservation amount is possible using the methods indicated below: online payment with credit card: OTP SimplePay. Accepted credit cards: Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express, OTP Szép Kártya, MKB Szép Kártya, K&H SZÉP Kártya.
9.) Refusal to fulfill the contract, termination of service obligations
The service provider is entitled to terminate the contract for the accommodation services with immediate effect and to refuse to provide the service if - the Guest misuses or damages the room made available to him or one of the facilities of Hotel Tornácos *** Superior, - the Guest the accommodation does not leave by the check-out end time: 10:00 a.m. and the service provider has not agreed in advance to an extension of the stay - the Guest does not respect the security of the accommodation or the order of the staff, behaves rudely, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a exhibits threatening, offensive or other unacceptable behavior - the guest suffers from a contagious disease - the Guest has not paid the advance payment by the specified date. If the fulfillment of the contract between the parties is prevented by “force majeure”, the contract will be terminated.
10.) Rights and obligations of the Guest
By concluding the contract, the guest acquires the right to use the rented accommodation and the facilities normally provided by the accommodation and to be served during opening hours. The Guest is obliged to pay the fee agreed in the contract by the date specified in the confirmation. The Guest may only bring and install electrical appliances that are necessary for the travel needs. The Guest is obliged to dispose of his rubbish exclusively in the rubbish bins located in the Hotel Tornácos *** Superior and in the rooms. Furniture may not be removed or moved from the rooms or building. The use of tools and furnishings throughout the hotel is at your own risk. The hotel is a non-smoking hotel. Smoking is only permitted in designated area outsides. If the Guest does not comply with the relevant regulations, the regulations mentioned in paragraph 9 apply. If the Guest smokes in his room, the service provider is entitled to charge an additional cleaning fee of 50.000,- HUF.
11.) Pets
Hotel Tornácos *** Superior welcomes Guests with pets. A maximum of two dogs are allowed per room. Full responsibility for the dog's behavior lies with the Guest who owns the dog. The Guest will be charged the daily pet fee, which is set as part of the service fees. If the dog disturbs the peace of the other Guests, the Guest will be asked to leave the hotel with their dog. In such a case, the Guest is obliged to pay the full price of the accommodation.
12.) Service Provider Rights
If the Guest does not pay for the services he ordered but did not use, the service provider has a lien on the Guest's personal belongings that he brought into the accommodation. As long as the lien exists, the service provider can prevent the lien from being taken away. This restriction only applies to the deposited property; people are free to leave the hotel.
13.) The service provider is obliged to act in accordance with the law on open data and the reuse of public sector information during the fulfillment of its contractually agreed obligations. In any case, the Service Provider treats the personal data provided to it in compliance with the applicable legislation, ensures their security, adopts the technical and organizational measures and establishes the procedural rules necessary to comply with the applicable legislation. Personal data is used by the service provider exclusively for the purpose of contract processing and invoicing.
14.) By concluding an accommodation contract, the Guest confirms that he has read and understood the conditions described above and agrees to them.
15.) The Service Provider informs the Guest that all matters not covered by these General Terms and Conditions are governed by the Civil Code and the contract between the Guest and the Service Provider.
Date: 13 May, 2022
Károly Hospely / Wenergia Ltd./ Managing Director
Should you have any further questions or requests, do not hesitate to contact us any time. Should you need further assistance or information, please, contact our colleagues at the reception!
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