Az itt eltöltött hétvége minden percében nagyon jól éreztük magunkat. Az ott dolgozó emberek kedvesek, közvetlenek, mindenre találnak megoldást. A panzió tiszta, rendezett, igényesen berendezett. Ami viszont kiemelkedő: az éttermük.
Minden fogás nagyon finom és bőséges, a kiszolgálás pedig fantasztikus. Biztosan megyünk még!
The Zoo presents almost 180 individuals of more than 60 animal species from six continents in a natural environment and sufficient habitat. Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Hotel Tornácos
Walking under the trees of the theme park, visitors can get acquainted with the wild animals of the Carpathian Basin as well as exotic species and domestic animals of nearer and further farmlands. A bird-friendly nature trail allows guests to enjoy a short walk among the birds and the nature surrounding them. All family members can relax at the buffet and on the playground.
In addition to feeding and petting, visitors also have the opportunity to 'adopt' the zoo's residents - and, by prior arrangement, go on carriage rides, cook and grill outdoors.
Address: Kisfalud, Kossuth Lajos str. 97.
Contact: +36 30 8255 612 and on Facebook: Kisfaludi vadaspark
Opening hours: Weekends from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., weekdays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m