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Off the beaten track! Hiking map of Hegykő and its neighbourhood. We invite you to hike in the surroundings of Hegykő and its neighbour settlements Fertőszéplak, Fertőhomok as well as Hidegség and Fertőboz!

We invite you to hike in the surroundings of Hegykő and its neighbour settlements Fertőszéplak, Fertőhomok as well as Hidegség and Fertőboz. With the help of the link below you may find a collection of hiking routes that mostly lead you off the beaten track, on dirt roads across agricultural areas, neatly cultivated gardens, on footpaths of carefully groomed streets and tracks in the woods.

These routes holding hidden treasures, interests, natural beauties and cultural historical memories even for locals are recommended for walking yet can be discovered by bicycle as well! We have marked the tours with colours, signs referring to the sights, maps and descriptions. Certain tours connect to each other thus enabling even an all day long excursion. By roaming on the tours, our dear visitors get acquainted with a slice of the natural and built heritage of Fertő Lakeside from real vicinity.

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Hotel Tornácos - 9437 Hegykő, Kossuth L. u. 74. TEL.: +36 99 540 200 FAX: +36 99 540 209 E-mail:

Let’s hike! Hiking map of Hegykő and its neighbourhood. We invite you to hike in the surroundings of Hegykő and its neighbour settlements Fertőszéplak, Fertőhomok as well as Hidegség and Fertőboz!