Som nadmieru spokojný s Vaším zariadením a službami ktoré ponúkate. Personál je veľmi ochotný a nadmieru ochotný a úslužný. Som milo prekvapený prístupom k hosťom. Obzvlášť musím vyzdvihnúť obsluhu v reštaurácii, kde chlapci vyriešili aj nemožné k našej spokojnosti. Samozrejme aj ostatný personál. A to pri dnešnom nedostatku dobrých pracovníkov. Vážený ďajte im vedieť že sú prínosom pre zariadenie ako je to Vaše. Úprimná vďaka za skvelý pobyt u Vás. Bolo mi cťov Vás navštíviť. Viktor Střelec Real. Maklér
Would you like to go fishing? Fortunately, you can also indulge into this passion while staying with us. Fishing enthusiasts will find a fishing lake on the east side of the village in quiet surroundings.
The fishing lake (in a distance of about 1 km from Hotel Tornácos) has been operated and maintained by the fishing association in Hegykő since 1980. It is a mining lake with an area of 4.9 hectares and a depth of 0.5 and 3.0 meters. Visitors can purchase a regional card and use the developed fishing spots.
Typical fish species: carp, grass carp, catfish, perch, pike, bream, crucian carp. In addition to its fish population, the lake is also home to other small wild animals including lizards, frogs, wild ducks and otter families.
Approach: Head towards Fertőd and turn left at Piéta at the end of Kossuth Lajos utca in Hegykő. You can reach the fishing lake on foot, by bike or by car via the 1 km long dirt road.
For more information, please visit the following website: