Megkaptam megtisztelő ajánlatukat, melyet a 2015 évi kétszeri "üdülés"-kor tapasztaltak alapján szívesen igénybe is
vennénk.Azonban egészségi állapotunk ezt jelenleg nem tesz lehetővé.
Engedjék meg, hogy az ismételtelten- MEGÉRDEMELTEN- elnyert első helyezéshez szívből gratuláljunk.
Reméljük tavasszal újból élvezni tudjuk mindazt, amit a Tornácos ebben az évben számunkra minden területen
The thermal bath of Hegykő is situated in the protected natural surroundings of Fertő Region awaiting its guests all year with inside and outside pools as well as the medicinal water of excellent quality, providing the opportunity for healing, sports, relaxing and recreation.
The salty, alkali-hydrogen-carbonate and slightly hard thermal water of Hegykő contains a variety of solutes, fluoride, sulphur and a significant amount of iodide, emerging form the depths of 1434 meters with the temperature of 55 °C.
The thermal water is excellent for curing chronic locomotive diseases based on medical advice. It can be used with good results for rehabilitation cures and treating healed bone breaks, sprains, joint sprains and muscle strains. Visiting the bath on a regular basis, you can ease the strain caused by sport or increased muscle work. The vapour evaporating and breathed in from the water surface has beneficial effect on respiratory complaints.
Bath cure indications:
- The primary effect of the thermal water is anti-inflammation: we recommend it for curing locomotive, dermatological, gynaecological and urological inflammations.
- It can be beneficially used as follow-up treatments of locomotive, orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeries.
- The use of the salty water is also suitable for recreation: it maintains an appropriate protection for the immune system.
- Severe cardiovascular diseases
- High blood pressure
- Thrombosis
- Malignancies
- Acute and inflamed infectious disease
- Pregnancy
- Fever
- Urination- and defecation disorders
- Running sore