2 éjszakát töltöttünk itt, nagyon tetszett! A szobát utolsó pillanatban foglaltam, ettől függetlenül maradéktalanul elégedettek voltunk vele! Az 1 éves kislányunknak kádat és kiságyat is biztosítottak! Külön kiemelném az éttermet: a reggeli is bőséges és finom volt, de itt fogyasztottuk az ebédeket és vacsorákat is! Még a legnagyobb csúcsforgalomban is gyorsan kaptuk meg az ebédet! Korábban nem jártam olyan helyen, ahol az összes étel, amit kóstoltam kifogástalan! Ezúton is gratulálok a szakácsuknak!
Five country houses can we find in Fertőszéplak, as beautiful examples of rural baroque architecture along the Fertő-region. The five buildings are the most beautiful houses with verandas on the main street of Fertőszéplak built at the end of the 19th century.
The distinctive sawtooth construction is a masterpiece of lowland folk architecture.
While admiring the country houses, we can learn interesting details about the ethnographic traditions of the village, its furnishings and the lifestyle of the residents.
The houses were probably built between 1860 and 1870; the characteristic sawtooth construction clearly shows the architectural habits of that era.
The series of buildings consists of 5 houses, one of which serves as a caretaker's apartment and the other four have been set up as museums.
There is a typical atmosphere of the 50s in house number 31.
Building number 33 has two apartments. In the first one we can get to know more about the living conditions and furnishings of a somewhat wealthier peasant family. The house of the poor family living in the 30s was built in the back apartment.
House No. 35 was rebuilt in its original form, reflecting its 1869 condition. Two apartments were also built there, in which the oldest pieces in the collection can be found.
In building number 37 there is an exhibition room where objects and documents since the 15 century relating to the life of the manors, villages and residents of the area are presented.
Opening hours:
from September 1st to April 30th: by prior registration
from May 2nd to October 13th: from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m
Address: Fertőszéplak, Nagy Lajos str. 31-39.
0036 99 370 918
0036 70 199 67 78
Website: www.porpaczyfertod.hu