Cave theater, theme park and event venue – just 20 km from Hotel Tornácos. The Quarry and Cave Theater in Fertőrákos consists of two large units. The Cave Theater is a unique theater and concert venue with a very special atmosphere. The Quarry and Theme Park presents indoor and outdoor exhibitions that showcase the natural, paleontological and petrological values of the region.
On the nature trail, visitors can learn about the natural values of the quarry and the Fertő-Hanság National Park.
The paleontological presentation deals with the formation conditions of the limestone excavated in the area. Life-sized ancient whales, ancient sharks, body reconstructions of ancient dolphins, jaws of ancient sharks, fossil replicas, real fossils, fossils of vertebrates and invertebrates, film projections and dioramas make up this attraction.
The Quarry and Stone Sculpture Hall deals with the presentation of types of limestone, stone blocks and lapidaries.
After registering in advance - with a minimum number of 10 participants - you can take part in the so-called "cave research" program, in which the group visits the site with an experienced tour guide. As part of this program, we can also visit the stage, enter the orchestra pit, find out which techniques work in the performances and where the performing artists dress and prepare.
For further information, please, visit the following website: www.fertorakosikofejto.hu